Friday, 20 June 2014

Rails and Resources, Part 2

The all-important table! It's crucial this week that we have most of this table down, and honestly, I wish I wrote this blog post before our weekly quiz. Definitely would've helped!

Basically, each action here is a method defined in the table_controller.rb file (in this case, wombats). The paths are defined in the routes.rb file (under resources :wombats) in their most default state. Each path functions under a particular HTTP verb protocol. Using rails, we don't have to fully type a link in HTTP, but we can use rails code (link_to or form_for) to quickly make the connections between the records within the database (via the controller, that takes in the instances of said models with the corresponding tables based on the action used) and back within our html.erb file.The instance variable objects are basically stored references to particular database segments (such as the records we're looking for in Class.find(:id)), so when we link_to the instance variable, Rails already knows what and where we're referring to.

I know one of our classmates is working on a blogpost to fully describe the actions, so I'll be leaving this blogpost short and link to hers when she's finished.

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